Thursday, December 8, 2011


I love the simple things in life.   Family, friends and football.  :) Spreading a blanket on the grass just to stare up at the stars....To remember being hurt by others but no longer feeling the pain. Crisp fall air.  The smell of the beginning of spring.  Dancing in the rain. Camp fires and roasted marsh mellows. One day a week to sleep in. Laughter with a friend or loved one that warms the heart. Goofing off while getting my work out in the gym.  Harmless flirting.  Hoodies and Converse. 

I'm always starting with the (wo)man in the mirror to make the change.  I love to laugh and do so often.  No need to just makes you old before your time.  I love art even though a stick man is about all I can draw...Good food is always a nice thing....not much I don't eat.  Love sushi.  I like helping others.  I enjoy driving....does that make me weird?  I keep things neat and tidy...hate messes but don't tell my car that right will argue with you about it.  I love wide, open spaces.  Singing is my passion.  I love God! I love to write.  : )  I am a strong woman.  That's because I take everything that I go through and allow it to make me a better person.  There is always room for improvement.

  The beach is one of my favorite places to be.  Cuddling by a fire in the winter...yep!  Did I say I love football??? I am very passionate about what I believe and who I love.  Don't mess with my family!  Thats when I fight! Other than that I'm pretty easy to get along with...if you can handle a sassy personality.
  Honesty is a must.  No room for lies.  Be who you are and be happy about it.  I'm caring and tender hearted and can be really sweet even though I'm typically feisty and speak my mind. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Being Thankful

Pastor has us writing one thing a day that we are thankful for...things that God has done in our lives.  It started Sunday so I'm behind on my blogging but for Sunday I said that I am thankful for the day, 40 years ago, that my mom, little me in hand, went to a Pentecostal church, later to call home.  Thankful for my heritage.

Monday-I am thankful for every "better" job I got when I lost another.  God always privides.  He's providing a new opportunity for me right happy.

Today I am thankful that I have never, ever, ever gone hungry. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

whats going on here!!!

Wow have things gotten interesting.  New job..dealing with people with little common sense....don't get me wrong...I love people....even dumb ones.  Looking for a place to, I'm not quite homeless but I feel like a nomad sometimes.  Son gets arrested.....wait! what??  Yeah....I told you things have gotten interesting...the good thing, it isn't what it seems....the bad thing...that doesn't always matter with our justice system....we will see....until then...I a God who has never let me down.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I guess I'm on a kick about people, the way they act and the people they associate with.  I've just come to realize that people aren't always what they seem when you first meet them.  I find that I am better off not to associate with some people....I just don't need extra stress and drama in my life. I'll do whats best for me and sometimes that means saying good bye.  It doesn't always mean they are bad people, only that I feel better when not dealing with whats associated with them and how they handle it.  It means that even good people will allow the things in their life determine how they treat you but for me disrespect is never tolerated regardless of what they go through.  I am human too.  I have feelings too. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Smiling Fish

I haven't posted in a's not because I have nothing to say but simply that I have so much to say, I don't know where to begin.  When living in Florida, I was in charge of the blog for the company that I worked for.  My first blog was about the wonderful Smiling Fish.  I was just in Destin two weeks ago....I can't believe I didn't go there....anyway...for today, since so much is racing around in my mind, I will simply post The Smiling Fish here...on my blog...I did, after all, write it.  : )

It was a beautiful August day at the beach.  The water was tranquil and amazingly clear.  After a while of sun bathing and light summer reading I realized I was getting hungry.  I needed something cool and refreshing.  Being new to the area I decided to head across the street to Gulf Place and see what struck my fancy!  As I rounded a corner I was faced with a smiling fish.  The Smiling Fish Cafe that is.  I figured if the fish were smiling it had to be good. 

I was greeted at the door by the friendly wait staff.  They were sure to let me know about the great special of the day they were offering.  After I perused the menu I honed in on the chicken salad with cashews.  And may I say "Yummy"!  I certainly made the right choice. 

From start to finish, the friendly staff made it perfect.  They do however have one requirement of their guests. Be nice or leave.  ; )

I think I shall take that motto as well......

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

One body

It's 1:10am.  I went to bed at 11am.  I haven't been asleep yet.  I am faced with circumstances that I know about and can't help but wonder what happened to the real Christians.  The ones who actually want to follow Christ's lead and live as he did, least try.  The ones who find the stone at their own feet when told  "he who is without sin".   If we are the body of Christ and every member needs each other, why don't we act like it?  Why is the hand cutting off the foot?  When I stub my toe, my hand reaches for that hurt toe.  I grab it and hold it until the pain lessens.  When I bump my elbow, I press it to my side and grab it with my opposite hand until it doesn't hurt so much.  It's like the rest of my body is trying to help the hurt part feel better.

I had an accident yesterday, some would say it was a blond moment...ha...maybe.  It was raining....I opened my car door and was trying to duck into my car without getting too head met the corner of the car door.  What happened next?  Both hands cradled my head.....for a while.  Pressing just in case I was bleeding.  My body parts help when another part is hurt. My hands put a band aid on my head....doctoring it  to get it well.   Why then, if we are all a part of the body, do we not rush to hold the hurting part? To doctor it to help it heal?  Instead, so many times, we blame the hurting part for why they are hurt.  We kick them when they are down...with our words.  We gossip about telling others is going to help in any way.  What happened to the real Christians?  The parts of the body that rush to the injured body part to hold it until it heals?  Until the hurt is gone.  Drop your stones at your feet Christians.....rush to the hurting.  Even if you think they are wrong...because hurt is hurt, no matter how you look at it.  We are one body.  It's time to start acting like it.

It's 1:29am.  Maybe I can sleep now.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I moved back to Atlanta two weeks ago.  Is that really all it's been?  It seems like longer.  Maybe because it's home and I know I'm supposed to be here. Being gone for 10 months and then coming back makes me see things differently.  Or are things different?  Did people change that much or is it just the way I see them now?  An outsider looking in. It is taking me a while to adjust even though I know I  belong here.   I feel like my life is a constant change.  I'm here, I'm there.  I meet this one, I meet that one.  I don't know what I feel or where I'm going sometimes but in the end, it will all fall together.....always does.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


I'm fairly certain there will be some of this in heaven.  Until then, however, I need to go here!