Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I guess I'm on a kick about people, the way they act and the people they associate with.  I've just come to realize that people aren't always what they seem when you first meet them.  I find that I am better off not to associate with some people....I just don't need extra stress and drama in my life. I'll do whats best for me and sometimes that means saying good bye.  It doesn't always mean they are bad people, only that I feel better when not dealing with whats associated with them and how they handle it.  It means that even good people will allow the things in their life determine how they treat you but for me disrespect is never tolerated regardless of what they go through.  I am human too.  I have feelings too. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Smiling Fish

I haven't posted in a while....it's not because I have nothing to say but simply that I have so much to say, I don't know where to begin.  When living in Florida, I was in charge of the blog for the company that I worked for.  My first blog was about the wonderful Smiling Fish.  I was just in Destin two weeks ago....I can't believe I didn't go there....anyway...for today, since so much is racing around in my mind, I will simply post The Smiling Fish here...on my blog...I did, after all, write it.  : )

It was a beautiful August day at the beach.  The water was tranquil and amazingly clear.  After a while of sun bathing and light summer reading I realized I was getting hungry.  I needed something cool and refreshing.  Being new to the area I decided to head across the street to Gulf Place and see what struck my fancy!  As I rounded a corner I was faced with a smiling fish.  The Smiling Fish Cafe that is.  I figured if the fish were smiling it had to be good. 

I was greeted at the door by the friendly wait staff.  They were sure to let me know about the great special of the day they were offering.  After I perused the menu I honed in on the chicken salad with cashews.  And may I say "Yummy"!  I certainly made the right choice. 

From start to finish, the friendly staff made it perfect.  They do however have one requirement of their guests. Be nice or leave.  ; )

I think I shall take that motto as well......