Thursday, December 8, 2011


I love the simple things in life.   Family, friends and football.  :) Spreading a blanket on the grass just to stare up at the stars....To remember being hurt by others but no longer feeling the pain. Crisp fall air.  The smell of the beginning of spring.  Dancing in the rain. Camp fires and roasted marsh mellows. One day a week to sleep in. Laughter with a friend or loved one that warms the heart. Goofing off while getting my work out in the gym.  Harmless flirting.  Hoodies and Converse. 

I'm always starting with the (wo)man in the mirror to make the change.  I love to laugh and do so often.  No need to just makes you old before your time.  I love art even though a stick man is about all I can draw...Good food is always a nice thing....not much I don't eat.  Love sushi.  I like helping others.  I enjoy driving....does that make me weird?  I keep things neat and tidy...hate messes but don't tell my car that right will argue with you about it.  I love wide, open spaces.  Singing is my passion.  I love God! I love to write.  : )  I am a strong woman.  That's because I take everything that I go through and allow it to make me a better person.  There is always room for improvement.

  The beach is one of my favorite places to be.  Cuddling by a fire in the winter...yep!  Did I say I love football??? I am very passionate about what I believe and who I love.  Don't mess with my family!  Thats when I fight! Other than that I'm pretty easy to get along with...if you can handle a sassy personality.
  Honesty is a must.  No room for lies.  Be who you are and be happy about it.  I'm caring and tender hearted and can be really sweet even though I'm typically feisty and speak my mind.