Thursday, December 20, 2012

I wish I knew more about Heaven.... I know you there like I do here?  Will married people still be married to their spouse and single people have to stay single forever or will there be marriages there?...if so, I guess there will be dating?....does it even matter? Will we even care?  Will children just stay children and never grow up?  Will mothers be reunited with their babies and take care of them again like they did here on earth?  Can I request my mansion be built on the same street as my family and friends?  Do I have to live in it alone.....I'd rather not.  Will we have Gods amazingly beautiful nature there like we do here on earth?  If so, do we have to cut grass? and what exactly would we do that with?  Will we still get to eat?  I love to eat.  Will there still be sports?  I mean, it will be for an eternity.....I know we will worship a lot and I'm good with that cause I love to worship but I think maybe there will be some down time in there somewhere...maybe.  Will there be books?  I really like books.  Will we have the same personality that we do here only perfected?  I hope so....I like being goofy sometimes.  I wonder if God is ever goofy or does he just shake his head at me?  I bet he at least laughs about it.    I know there will be singing....I look forward to that!  Will time be the same to us as it is to God then?  Will we have to walk everywhere or do we get to fly???  Maybe just think about where we want to be and be there?

I wish I knew more about heaven.....