Thursday, February 6, 2014

Ordinary acts of bravery

I believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives a person to stand up for another. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Humans be kind

It's never a good, nor godly principle to try and make someone look bad either verbally or through public forums.  When you talk or post about things, even if you don't mention names, people that know about situations will know who you are talking about.  You lower yourself when you do this and ultimately you are the one that looks bad to the ones reading or hearing what you have to say.  Don't always take the words of others if they tell you someone said or did something.  It's hearsay....gossip.  If you feel that you have been an example.  Rise above....don't bash the person...go to them and see if it can be resolved.    Be right when you feel others are wrong.  Life will teach you the hard way if you don't get it figured out now.  Take my word for, take God's word for it.  The bible tells us how to treat others and how to handle situations.  To put another down is not the right way.......ever.