Thursday, November 11, 2010

What Happened to Excellence?

I can't help but wonder what in the world happened to excellence.  You know, where we do things right.  No matter what we do.  It seems that people try to get by with doing things, well.....less than excellent, half way or just not at all.  If we would go above the call of duty maybe we could keep our jobs.  If we would pay attention to the small stuff maybe our homes would be ready for company at any given time. Maybe if everything from the music to the kids ministry in church was done with excellence, church would be more desirable.  Maybe if we would DO "what Jesus would do"  we could bring back excellence.   You don't hear of him performing miracles half way....the blind had 20/20 vision.  The dead were alive and rejoicing.  The wine was the best ever.  The fish and bread were abundant and as for me......ALL my sins were washed away.  Not just a few.  Whew.  Excellence.  Lets bring it back.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Friendship is a strange thing.  If you don't believe me, move away.   You will find that things change.  The friends that you were closest to and think will keep contact don't and other friends seem to take over.  Keeping up with whats going on in your life and letting you know you are missed. Then there are those that were mere acquaintances that you seem to get to know better even though you are farther away than you once were. There are friends that you may not have talked to in years yet as soon as a conversation begins it's as if you were never apart.  Of course there are always new friends to make anywhere you go.  So strange this thing called friendship, yet I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

An introduction to me

I'm in my kitchen fixing chili and realized that I have been lying for years.  I have always said that I hate to cook when in truth it's the preparation that I hate.  Deciding what to cook, going to the grocery store and buying ingredients.  Once I  have that part done I actually enjoy myself.  Maybe it was the fact that I watched Julie and Julia.  I don't know but I decided that now would be a good time to start a blog.  No, I won't be cooking 534 recipes in 365 days but I love to write and figured now was as good a time as any to get started.

I do love many things that are worthy to be written about.  I love to read and I think the beach is wonderful.  Shopping is always a joy and I love to visit new places. So join me in my daily, weekly, monthly journey to both new and old.