Thursday, November 11, 2010

What Happened to Excellence?

I can't help but wonder what in the world happened to excellence.  You know, where we do things right.  No matter what we do.  It seems that people try to get by with doing things, well.....less than excellent, half way or just not at all.  If we would go above the call of duty maybe we could keep our jobs.  If we would pay attention to the small stuff maybe our homes would be ready for company at any given time. Maybe if everything from the music to the kids ministry in church was done with excellence, church would be more desirable.  Maybe if we would DO "what Jesus would do"  we could bring back excellence.   You don't hear of him performing miracles half way....the blind had 20/20 vision.  The dead were alive and rejoicing.  The wine was the best ever.  The fish and bread were abundant and as for me......ALL my sins were washed away.  Not just a few.  Whew.  Excellence.  Lets bring it back.


  1. The answer to your question is........Laziness or some prefer to it as Indolence because it sounds better!
    People become comfortable, relaxed and then before you know it....It's just a way of life.
    You must shake up the basket or flip it over to get better results. Hitting the pocket is a quick eye opener.
    I believe that everyone should strive to be the Very Best at whatever they choose to do. If you are a floor sweeper, be the Best floor sweeper!
    Don't even bother to get off of the sofa if you are going to half way do something, because you are only in the way of somebody else that is more hungry than yourself.

  2. And that's why we are friends. : ) ok it's not the only reason but you get my point. Thanks Carla.

  3. How's the move coming along? Loving it yet?
    I remember when I first moved to was a hard transition, but I love it now. I've been living here 19 years and seriously... I could'nt imagine ever living in Ga again.
    Miss you!!

  4. I love destin....I just left all my friends else where but you know that from facebook. : )
