Thursday, December 20, 2012

I wish I knew more about Heaven.... I know you there like I do here?  Will married people still be married to their spouse and single people have to stay single forever or will there be marriages there?...if so, I guess there will be dating?....does it even matter? Will we even care?  Will children just stay children and never grow up?  Will mothers be reunited with their babies and take care of them again like they did here on earth?  Can I request my mansion be built on the same street as my family and friends?  Do I have to live in it alone.....I'd rather not.  Will we have Gods amazingly beautiful nature there like we do here on earth?  If so, do we have to cut grass? and what exactly would we do that with?  Will we still get to eat?  I love to eat.  Will there still be sports?  I mean, it will be for an eternity.....I know we will worship a lot and I'm good with that cause I love to worship but I think maybe there will be some down time in there somewhere...maybe.  Will there be books?  I really like books.  Will we have the same personality that we do here only perfected?  I hope so....I like being goofy sometimes.  I wonder if God is ever goofy or does he just shake his head at me?  I bet he at least laughs about it.    I know there will be singing....I look forward to that!  Will time be the same to us as it is to God then?  Will we have to walk everywhere or do we get to fly???  Maybe just think about where we want to be and be there?

I wish I knew more about heaven.....

Monday, January 30, 2012

without the scar

On May 17th I hit my head on my car door.  It really hurt but it healed and I didn't think about it any more...until the other day while washing my face I notice the faint scar that it left.  Don't ask me why it took me 8 months to notice it because I really don't know...I have washed my face and put on my make up many times since then so who knows....maybe it was just the timing I needed.  Life and life decisions have left their scars too.  I have learned to love those scars for without them I wouldn't remember what hurt left the scar and without the pain I wouldn't be the person I am today....I may not even like who I am today but that's ok because God does and I do.  So today I am grateful for the pain, for without it I wouldn't have the scar and without the scar, I wouldn't remember the victory.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

reminding myself today....

.....of the things I love

laughing til I cry
wide open spaces
working out
eating healthy
knowing I've made the right decision
working hard, playing hard.
Looking back on a happy past, Looking forward to a better future
changing seasons
the feel of freshly brushed
a soft cozy blanket
my cuddly pillow
nice smells
sitting out on the porch on a cool autumn morning
cuddling down in my covers at night right before I go to sleep and in the morning right before I get up
interior design
to worship
playing piano
the beach
funny, sweet or just any kind of conversation with my children
making new friends, spending time with long time friends
finding someone I click with
when winter becomes spring

Friday, January 13, 2012


2011 was a rough year for me.  I made decisions I felt best but they weren't easy.  I was thrown for a loop Monday.  It surprised me, the feelings and emotions I felt but I think it was good for me.  It's taken me all week to come to terms with what I know is perfectly normal but hey, we are all human....who knows how things will affect us........surprise!  Moving forward but not forgetting the things of the past and cherishing the good things.