Monday, January 30, 2012

without the scar

On May 17th I hit my head on my car door.  It really hurt but it healed and I didn't think about it any more...until the other day while washing my face I notice the faint scar that it left.  Don't ask me why it took me 8 months to notice it because I really don't know...I have washed my face and put on my make up many times since then so who knows....maybe it was just the timing I needed.  Life and life decisions have left their scars too.  I have learned to love those scars for without them I wouldn't remember what hurt left the scar and without the pain I wouldn't be the person I am today....I may not even like who I am today but that's ok because God does and I do.  So today I am grateful for the pain, for without it I wouldn't have the scar and without the scar, I wouldn't remember the victory.

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