Wednesday, May 18, 2011

One body

It's 1:10am.  I went to bed at 11am.  I haven't been asleep yet.  I am faced with circumstances that I know about and can't help but wonder what happened to the real Christians.  The ones who actually want to follow Christ's lead and live as he did, least try.  The ones who find the stone at their own feet when told  "he who is without sin".   If we are the body of Christ and every member needs each other, why don't we act like it?  Why is the hand cutting off the foot?  When I stub my toe, my hand reaches for that hurt toe.  I grab it and hold it until the pain lessens.  When I bump my elbow, I press it to my side and grab it with my opposite hand until it doesn't hurt so much.  It's like the rest of my body is trying to help the hurt part feel better.

I had an accident yesterday, some would say it was a blond moment...ha...maybe.  It was raining....I opened my car door and was trying to duck into my car without getting too head met the corner of the car door.  What happened next?  Both hands cradled my head.....for a while.  Pressing just in case I was bleeding.  My body parts help when another part is hurt. My hands put a band aid on my head....doctoring it  to get it well.   Why then, if we are all a part of the body, do we not rush to hold the hurting part? To doctor it to help it heal?  Instead, so many times, we blame the hurting part for why they are hurt.  We kick them when they are down...with our words.  We gossip about telling others is going to help in any way.  What happened to the real Christians?  The parts of the body that rush to the injured body part to hold it until it heals?  Until the hurt is gone.  Drop your stones at your feet Christians.....rush to the hurting.  Even if you think they are wrong...because hurt is hurt, no matter how you look at it.  We are one body.  It's time to start acting like it.

It's 1:29am.  Maybe I can sleep now.


  1. Beautiful post. Certainly something we should all think about. Thank you.

  2. In the past week I have seen a lot of hurting going on. Usually the ones picking up their stones are the ones that are hurt. They focus on others instead of the healing that needs to happen within themselves. I've also seen those who have felt that they have it all together and are perfect in Christ and sit on their pedestal looking down in judgment because they think they have that right. If Christians are TRUE followers of Christ, they will rush to the hurting and offer their shoulder or a prayer. You have some that don't know what to say and are silent in body but not in mind, sending prayers on your behalf without you knowing. Now the ones saying they have the Holy Ghost and cause the wounded more pain, they need your prayers and your shoulder. They are lip service, not kingdom service. Really, what could you expect from someone who doesn't have the Holy Ghost? They can't rush to you because they don't belong.
    I've been hurt a lot by those who called themselves Christians. The key word is "called". You will know them by their fruit. So if you don't see fruit, you can't expect them to be part of the body. Like a wart. It is attached to the body but doesn't belong. How do you get rid of a wart? You freeze it off. So, do we act cold to them because they don't belong? Personally, I couldn't act cold. I have only had a few that ran to me to doctor me up when I was down and hurt. But then, I didn't let people know I was hurting, I kept it to myself. I've gone through the divorce and I have been looked upon and judged by my lifestyle. We need to get to the point of not caring what others think about us because the only One who truly matters is God. If people see you are hurt and don't come to you, ask yourself if you have closed yourself off? If not, then maybe they aren't led to come to you and it is God who is waiting for you to go to Him. Man cannot heal our wounds, only God is the healer. Man just seems to pour salt on the wound, if we allow them to. When that happens it is up to us to hold our head up and move with the grace of God, showing them the love of God. If they are a Christian, then their maker will take care of them. You are the King's daughter. He takes care of His own. Let God deal with those who hurt others. Just hand them over to God. Let God convict those who can't comfort because they are self absorbed. Let God be the doctor to your wounds. We can't judge those who don't run to our rescue, we will in turn fester and become hurt. BUT we can speak and communicate our not understand how "Christians" are this way. Maybe it will be a way to convict them to repent and be more loving, since we are the body.
    When I am hurting by someone, I pray for my heart to heal. I pray that the Lord would show the person what they have done and feel my pain. 99% of the time I hear from that person and they apologize. That's because they are a Christian. We aren't perfect. We all hurt. We are all in different stages and sometimes we have to put aside our hurt and love the one hurting us because they are hurt too.

  3. Thea, my pastor always says "hurting people, hurt people". That's so very true. People will act in very imperfect ways, however, we have to keep reminding each other that we are one body and what God expects of that. Some are stronger than others. I, for instance am one tough chick! (maybe I'm an elbow...I hear its the strongest part of our Really though....I know who I am and I know who God is and I know that he is for me! This post isn't about me but about people that I care about deeply and I have watched people verbally try to hurt. I just want to remind those "Christians" what it's all about so I could get some sleep....
