Saturday, October 29, 2016

Election selection poo

I will be so glad to see November 8th pass.  Of course I realize that weeks after, the battles will continue but I can wish that over on the 9th.  

Pray and vote.  

That is all. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Leopard print mix

I have this really cute, bright top with birds and flowers on it.  I bought it last year and never was happy with anything I tried it with so it sits in my closet with tags still on it.  A's been sitting there for a year.  I decided I need to either figure out what to wear it with and wear it or sell it in my Poshmark closet.  So, last night I tried it with every color that is in it but obviously that was just too much color.  It needs a nuteral.  Every outfit needs a neutral.  I tried it with khaki but didn't like that so much.  Maybe if it were khaki shorts it would be cute but I was going for a skirt.  I have an ivory, full skirt so I tried that.  I liked it but when I put on navy shoes or any other color that was in the shirt, it just seemed to not catch my fancy.  Enters my leopard print belt, followed closely by some cute leopard flats.  Ahhhh, I thought.   It's quirky and different but hey, leopard print is considered a neutral and I just happen to like it.  I ask a few people and most like it and say they would do it as well.  Not that it really matters. I wear what I want!!!! 😜

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Skin cancer

Ok so yes, I was in the sun a lot in my earlier years. Not smart.  Went to the dermatologist yesterday and you guessed cancer.  The good thing is it's a basil cell carcinoma which is slow growing and they can dig it out.  Hopefully it's not too deep.  She is going to biopsy a couple more places and I will have a full body check soon.  Stay out of the sun!  When you are in it, slather on that sun screen.  It's just not worth it. 

Thursday, September 17, 2015


Ok so bear with me.  Proverbs 6:16 list 7 things that God hates and are abominations.  (Detestable, unlawful or repulsive). 

For most of us, hands that shed innocent blood is not a problem however a proud look may apply or lying tongue...perhaps a false witness that speaks lies....whoa, that lying thing is in there twice.  Why is it so easy for people to lie??? Better watch yourself.  That's dangerous territory.  Sowing discord...yikes.  Stop causing heartache and trouble!!!! Gossip??? Yeah, stop!   The grapevine is never accurate.  There is always a lie in it.  

And then there are the 10 commandments covering some of the same things.  (Lying is in there too....must be serious) When you break some like...oh lets say adultery, you actually break more than one rule because chances are you lie to cover things and you are certainly sowing discord because...well brainer.  Sin hurts a lot of people, not just the ones doing it.  And for heavens sake, honor your father and's written in stone.....there is a promise of long life attached to it.....and don't covet my stuff....get your own.......

And such were some of you.  Thankful for grace.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Being encouraged In a world gone mad

I think I can say, without anyone disagreeing with me, that the whole world is going mad.  I don't have to go into details because we all hear and see what is going on.  

In the midst of all the turmoil, I am encouraged when I see someone doing something good for someone else.  From encouraging words to police officers, people doing a workout of some sort in the name of a handicap child to a kind soul seeking out the homeless to feed them or supply them with a blanket or coat.  

The fact is, good will never die because God is all that is good.  We have hope in him and his promises.  The world may be going mad but that's ok.  It's not my home.  The church will triumph, God will return and the mess will all be over.  Be encouraged today.  We win.  

Check out this blog from Pastor Denny Livingston.  I read his blogs regularly and I encourage you to subscribe.  Be blessed.  

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Fashion fun

This is one of my favorite outfits.  It is actually a two color dress with leopard print leggings and wedge heal shoes in colorful flowers.  Remember animal print is considered a neutral color so you can wear it with most anything.  I like adding a splash of color and often that is best done with shoes, handbags and other accessories.