Thursday, September 10, 2015

Being encouraged In a world gone mad

I think I can say, without anyone disagreeing with me, that the whole world is going mad.  I don't have to go into details because we all hear and see what is going on.  

In the midst of all the turmoil, I am encouraged when I see someone doing something good for someone else.  From encouraging words to police officers, people doing a workout of some sort in the name of a handicap child to a kind soul seeking out the homeless to feed them or supply them with a blanket or coat.  

The fact is, good will never die because God is all that is good.  We have hope in him and his promises.  The world may be going mad but that's ok.  It's not my home.  The church will triumph, God will return and the mess will all be over.  Be encouraged today.  We win.  

Check out this blog from Pastor Denny Livingston.  I read his blogs regularly and I encourage you to subscribe.  Be blessed.  


  1. Well, I guess it's safe to say that you and I are on the same page today. Great blog and thank you for the shout out!

  2. Yes, it seems we are. Thanks for reading and I always enjoy your blogs.
