Thursday, September 17, 2015


Ok so bear with me.  Proverbs 6:16 list 7 things that God hates and are abominations.  (Detestable, unlawful or repulsive). 

For most of us, hands that shed innocent blood is not a problem however a proud look may apply or lying tongue...perhaps a false witness that speaks lies....whoa, that lying thing is in there twice.  Why is it so easy for people to lie??? Better watch yourself.  That's dangerous territory.  Sowing discord...yikes.  Stop causing heartache and trouble!!!! Gossip??? Yeah, stop!   The grapevine is never accurate.  There is always a lie in it.  

And then there are the 10 commandments covering some of the same things.  (Lying is in there too....must be serious) When you break some like...oh lets say adultery, you actually break more than one rule because chances are you lie to cover things and you are certainly sowing discord because...well brainer.  Sin hurts a lot of people, not just the ones doing it.  And for heavens sake, honor your father and's written in stone.....there is a promise of long life attached to it.....and don't covet my stuff....get your own.......

And such were some of you.  Thankful for grace.

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