Thursday, September 17, 2015


Ok so bear with me.  Proverbs 6:16 list 7 things that God hates and are abominations.  (Detestable, unlawful or repulsive). 

For most of us, hands that shed innocent blood is not a problem however a proud look may apply or lying tongue...perhaps a false witness that speaks lies....whoa, that lying thing is in there twice.  Why is it so easy for people to lie??? Better watch yourself.  That's dangerous territory.  Sowing discord...yikes.  Stop causing heartache and trouble!!!! Gossip??? Yeah, stop!   The grapevine is never accurate.  There is always a lie in it.  

And then there are the 10 commandments covering some of the same things.  (Lying is in there too....must be serious) When you break some like...oh lets say adultery, you actually break more than one rule because chances are you lie to cover things and you are certainly sowing discord because...well brainer.  Sin hurts a lot of people, not just the ones doing it.  And for heavens sake, honor your father and's written in stone.....there is a promise of long life attached to it.....and don't covet my stuff....get your own.......

And such were some of you.  Thankful for grace.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Being encouraged In a world gone mad

I think I can say, without anyone disagreeing with me, that the whole world is going mad.  I don't have to go into details because we all hear and see what is going on.  

In the midst of all the turmoil, I am encouraged when I see someone doing something good for someone else.  From encouraging words to police officers, people doing a workout of some sort in the name of a handicap child to a kind soul seeking out the homeless to feed them or supply them with a blanket or coat.  

The fact is, good will never die because God is all that is good.  We have hope in him and his promises.  The world may be going mad but that's ok.  It's not my home.  The church will triumph, God will return and the mess will all be over.  Be encouraged today.  We win.  

Check out this blog from Pastor Denny Livingston.  I read his blogs regularly and I encourage you to subscribe.  Be blessed.  

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Fashion fun

This is one of my favorite outfits.  It is actually a two color dress with leopard print leggings and wedge heal shoes in colorful flowers.  Remember animal print is considered a neutral color so you can wear it with most anything.  I like adding a splash of color and often that is best done with shoes, handbags and other accessories.  


Music makes me happy.  It's a marvelous thing!  

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Respect is a very powerful thing.  You can make or break any relationship by either having and showing respect or the lack of.  A good rule of thumb is to treat everyone as you would expect to be treated.  We all want to be respected so by treating others as we want to be treated........well, you get it.  

Don't expect someone to respect you if you have treated them any less than what you would expect for yourself.  It just doesn't work that way.  

Monday, September 7, 2015

Not shaken

I am right where I'm suppose to be.  God has positioned me for his plan.  You may know my failures and that's ok because my failures do not determine who I am.  They are simply stepping stones to get where God wants me.  I am stronger today than I was yesterday and I will be stronger tomorrow than I am today.   I am standing on the promises that God has given me and my faith shall not falter.  I will not be shaken.  

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Trade your ugly for beautiful

For those who are shattered and broken.....tired and all churched out.....hurt by people you thought loved you....ignored by those you once called friends.  If you could just get to the place where the foot of throne of the almighty, all merciful God is where you want to be,  giving him your torn heart.   Find yourself there and I promise you will find unmistakable peace and he will take the ugly of your life and make it beautiful.  If only you truly knew where I have been........

Who knew

A few days after this was posted on Twitter, things got even better....and then they got worse.  That's usually the way it goes for me when dealing with relationship.  Why must the messed up seek me out?? I understand that I seem to have it all together...well, ok...I do have most things together but dude!  I'm starting to get drained here!  Having said all of that, I'm still in a good place because I'm tough and I have a God that is everything I need.  In him, I find my happiness, so when you just up and disappear like I never mattered, he is still here.....always has been, always will be.....and he actually treats me with respect.  How's that for an example to all man kind?  We should all try to be like him.  

Saturday, September 5, 2015


Sometimes I have to remind myself of my worth.  When I get down or I'm done wrong or rejected, I often wonder what I did wrong or what is wrong with me.  The thing is though, I know who I am.  My character traits are impeccible and even though I understand that I'm not perfect, I still know who I am and I stand firm in that.  I know my worth and I am worth being respected and admired for who I am.  I am a really good person.  If you can't see that then make sure the door doesn't hit you on the way out.  Or whatever.  Let it hit you.  I don't really care.  

Friday, September 4, 2015

Hurting people, hurt people

If hurting people, hurt people, how do we help the hurting people without getting hurt?   It's a vicious cycle.  There has to be a better way but until that way is figured out, I guess I will continue trying to help even though by now, my heart probably looks like a patched work quilt.  

Do you wanna be happy?

The truth can hurt you or the truth can change you.  What would truth do to you?

Sometimes people get hurt by others and sometimes we hurt ourselves by the things we do.  Such is life, but here's the question.  Do you wanna be happy or do you want to hang on to the hurt and anger?   I know that sounds ridiculous but in truth sometimes people choose to hang on to the torture.  They are really their own worst enemy.  

God wants us to be happy and its a choice.  To let go of the anger, hatred and hurt and let God take over.  Crying yourself to sleep, blaming others, treating others wrong in the process.....none of that helps and only compounds your hurt and hurts others.  

It's so easy to complain and people get addicted to the pain but we don't have to live life that way.  The good news is, Jesus knows just how you feel.  Let him take over.  He can make it all better but you have to be willing to trust.  Do you wanna be happy? 

Kirk Franklin says it well in his new song, Wanna be happy

If you're tired of being the same
If you're tired of things not changing
It's time for you to get out of the way
Don't get stuck in how you feel
Let jesus take the wheel
He knows the road you need to take.  Do you wanna be happy?