Friday, September 4, 2015

Do you wanna be happy?

The truth can hurt you or the truth can change you.  What would truth do to you?

Sometimes people get hurt by others and sometimes we hurt ourselves by the things we do.  Such is life, but here's the question.  Do you wanna be happy or do you want to hang on to the hurt and anger?   I know that sounds ridiculous but in truth sometimes people choose to hang on to the torture.  They are really their own worst enemy.  

God wants us to be happy and its a choice.  To let go of the anger, hatred and hurt and let God take over.  Crying yourself to sleep, blaming others, treating others wrong in the process.....none of that helps and only compounds your hurt and hurts others.  

It's so easy to complain and people get addicted to the pain but we don't have to live life that way.  The good news is, Jesus knows just how you feel.  Let him take over.  He can make it all better but you have to be willing to trust.  Do you wanna be happy? 

Kirk Franklin says it well in his new song, Wanna be happy

If you're tired of being the same
If you're tired of things not changing
It's time for you to get out of the way
Don't get stuck in how you feel
Let jesus take the wheel
He knows the road you need to take.  Do you wanna be happy? 

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